Donating Time to X,Y, and Z.

Happy New Year!! More importantly, it’s Blog Post # 108. It’s a time for renewal… of the mind, the body, and the soul (even though there’s no such thing). The mind is an illusion.

Thank you to everyone who purchased Jonah Chooses Amazing from September 26th to December 26th to support a great cause. Here is my $211.00 donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

In case you feel like you missed out…

If I sell 200 more books from now until December 26th, 2024, I will donate another $200 to this worthy cause. There have already been some post Xmas sales so support a great cause. You can start your Xmas shopping for next year now.

Spoiler Alert

Q & A

Thanks for sending your questions about Jonah Chooses Amazing. I won’t get to them all but here are a few. If you haven’t read the book, be warned that there are spoilers ahead.

Why did Jonah decide to do all these things?

It’s open to interpretation. Guilt, regret, the need to prove something. Jonah is someone with a lot of free time. I think he came to the conclusion that he had been wasting it. The death of a parent can be a reminder that our own death is coming too and that time is running out.

Why didn’t you explore the relationship between Jonah and Claudette more? It seemed prime for some romance.

Because that’s not what the story was about. I actually enjoy a good romance. I am a rom-com fan, much to wife’s horror. However, this is a story about a much different journey, a journey of finding the self, and learning self forgiveness. I hate stories where a romance is automatically tacked on.

Can you explain the ending?

No… and yes. Again, it’s open to interpretation. A lot of the ending is implied and subtle. It shows he’s reached a point of moderation. He’s still up early… not as crazy early. He’s more comfortable in his daily life. The decision to go for a beer… that’s his evolution to enjoying life while also pursuing his goals. Fin.

Words of Wisdom

1. Use your phone less. Be online less. Enjoy real life.

In an effort to use social media less, I decided to leave Twitter (or X… or ex-Twitter… or the Social Media Format Formally Known as Twitter).

I hate when people make such a big deal out of leaving a social media platform, like they’re hoping people will beg for them to come back. People will go on and on about it. Some people will even post some grand final message and/ or Tweet, “This will be my final message as I will be leaving Twitter for good. The platform has proven to be a cesspool of nonsense and further evidence of the de-evolution of the human mind. It is filled full of uninformed opinions, intrinsic hatred, and is allowing for anonymous or protected outrageous behavior and unacceptable statements which I feel is lessening me as a human being. For this reason, I am leaving this evil inducing, fear mongering, superstition enforcing propaganda machine.”

By the way, I have actually left Twitter or X or ex-Twitter, or the Social Media Platform formerly known as Twitter. It was a difficult decision. I don’t want to make a big deal out it.

I first joined Twitter in 2012 after strong feelings of FOMO was keeping me up nights. It was a different time. The vibe was different. I remember I had an onion tied to my belt… which was the style at the time…

I also considered leaving Facebook. I posted this question on Facebook, “Has anyone deleted their FB account? What was it like?” I received no responses.

So, in the end, I decided to just leave Twitter or X. I’m now an ex-X user.

I just feel that X-lacks substance… which is kinda shitty.

2. Life should not be all work all the time. Pursue your passions. In the end, we’re all here ‘wasting’ our time before death. What are you ‘wasting’ your time on?

My co-worker recently skipped work to do a marathon.

What did The Boss say?

I was born to run.

Thanks for reading this post and starting your January off in the best way possible. It’s now time for the ending jokes. The first one comes From the Bottom of My Chart. Enjoy.

I recently attended a seminar on Lyme Disease.

It was a very popular Tick Talk.


I was at Comic-con and Ross Bagdasarian was there to talk about his creation, The Chipmunks.

No one asked about Alvin or Simon.

It was a good Ted Talk.

One thought on “Donating Time to X,Y, and Z.

  1. Hi Roy and Lesly. Just to let you know I enjoyed reading your blog again. Keep it up. How is your health doing Roy? Better I hope. Love you guys.❤️


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