Woah! We’re Half-way There…

It’s Blog Post 105. What a month! Thank you to everyone who is sharing and supporting Jonah Chooses Amazing. It’s been incredible to see photos of so many people with my novel and sharing the link on various social media platforms. Go Jonah! Also, a huge thank you to everyone who has purchased the novel so far.

Five Stars

If you liked my novel, please consider rating it on Amazon and/ or Goodreads. Share the link on whatever social media outlets you use. Tell your friends.

One Star

If you didn’t like it, I recommend buying another copy and reading that one. If you still don’t like it, buy several copies to share with friends to confirm that it’s not just you and your poor taste. If you are still not convinced it’s good, buy as many as you can for burning in the winter to stay warm. You too can choose amazing.

Supporting a Good Cause

As you may have read, until December 26th I am donating $1.00 Canadian from every copy of Jonah Chooses Amazing sold to The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. The goal is $200.00 and we’re almost halfway there. I’m hopeful that there will be a great Xmas push. It’ll make a great Xmas gift for you and your closest one hundred friends.

I know one person who’s buying extra copies.

Book Competitions

I will be entering Jonah Chooses Amazing into a couple of book competitions. I’m pleased to reveal that it has already been shortlisted for RGM Publishing’s Book of the Year. Unfortunately, the Nobel Prize in Literature was just announced, and it wasn’t me.

I have already started my next book, The Regrets We Can’t Have, so we’ll see if that brings recognition from the Nobel committee or if they’ll continue to overlook literary greatness. This blog alone should at least put me in contention.

Words of Wisdom

1. Purchase RGM Publishing’s Book of the Year candidate, Jonah Chooses Amazing. It’s an exciting time in literary history. Don’t miss out.

2. Question everything. Send me your questions about Jonah Chooses Amazing and I’ll answer them over the next three blog posts. I won’t answer direct questions about the story until after Xmas but send them anyway.

3. Are you in a book club? Suggest a great book that supports a great cause. You and your book club can also choose amazing.

Thank you again for supporting this blog and Jonah Chooses Amazing. It’s been a terrific month, and the feedback has been so positive and uplifting. I hope to soon be sharing excerpts and updates from my next book so stay tuned. It’s now time for the ending jokes. Enjoy.

My wife and I were in Alberta last month visiting friends. How cold will it get this winter in Alberta?

I don’t know but we saw several advertisements for Octoberfest parties… taking place in September.


It was my birthday this month. While enjoying a glass of wine, my 51-year-old wife told me that she hadn’t had a ‘time of the month’ for three months.

”Oh wow! So, we need to go shopping for baby clothes?”

One thought on “Woah! We’re Half-way There…

  1. Wow! Interesting. I’d like to see her have a child. Considering she didn’t want children and made sure she couldn’t. Good luck with that. Waiting for your next blog.


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